captcha xamarin forms


Creating a CAPTCHA in Xamarin.Forms can be an effective way to prevent automated bots from submitting forms on your mobile app. CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a challenge-response test that ensures the user is human and not a bot. Below, I'll outline the steps to create a simple CAPTCHA in Xamarin.Forms:

1. Designing the CAPTCHA Page:

First, create a new Xamarin.Forms page (XAML or code-behind) for displaying the CAPTCHA challenge to the user. Design the page to include an image or some other visual element representing the CAPTCHA challenge.

2. Generate a Random CAPTCHA Text:

In the code-behind of your CAPTCHA page, generate a random text (combination of alphabets and numbers) that will be shown to the user as the CAPTCHA challenge. You can use the following code to generate a random alphanumeric string:


private string GenerateRandomText(int length)


const string chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";

var random = new Random();

return new string(Enumerable.Repeat(chars, length).Select(s => s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray());



3. Create a CAPTCHA Image:

To make the CAPTCHA more secure and challenging for bots, you can convert the random text into an image and display it to the user. Xamarin.Forms doesn't have built-in image drawing capabilities, so you may need to use custom renderers or a third-party library to create the image. The SkiaSharp library can be used for this purpose.

4. Add an Entry Field for User Input:

On the same CAPTCHA page, include an Entry field where the user can enter the text they see in the CAPTCHA image.

5. Verification Logic:

Once the user submits the form, compare the entered text with the original random text generated earlier. If they match, it means the user is human, and the form submission is valid. If they don't match, you can show an error message and prevent the form from being submitted.

6. Refreshing CAPTCHA:

Additionally, you can include a "Refresh" button or icon near the CAPTCHA image to allow users to request a new random text and image if the current one is difficult to read.

7. Handling Failed Attempts:

To avoid malicious attempts to bypass the CAPTCHA, you may want to limit the number of retries allowed within a specific time frame.

Please note that CAPTCHA is just one method to reduce bot interference. For increased security, you can combine CAPTCHA with other techniques like rate-limiting, IP blocking, or device fingerprinting.

Remember that CAPTCHA should be used judiciously, as it can be an inconvenience for genuine users, especially those with visual impairments. Consider implementing accessible alternatives like audio-based CAPTCHA or using simpler challenges when necessary.